Do I qualify for the Philips CPAP lawsuit?

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sleep disorder treatment ventilator

If you have been using a Philips Respironics Continuous or Non-Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Ventilator which has resulted in serious medical diagnoses, you may be eligible for a CPAP lawsuit. Unfortunately, the use of Philips sleep apnea machines has been linked to the diagnosis of serious injuries and illnesses such as respiratory conditions, lung damage, and cancer. If you qualify for this lawsuit, you may be entitled to significant monetary compensation. Keep reading to discover whether you qualify for the CPAP lawsuit and how a trusted Westchester County Defective Product Lawyer can help you navigate this legal process. 

What is the Philips CPAP machine used for?

Firstly, Philips Respironics Continous and Non-Continous Ventilators are used by individuals with sleep disorders to provide invasive and non-invasive respiratory support. Essentially, these machines deliver pressurized air through the airway via tubing and a mask. This helps individuals breathe throughout the night while sleeping without obstruction.

Why was the product recalled?

On June 14, 2021, Philips Respironics sent customers a letter requesting all users to discontinue the use of the device as it has been discovered that the polyester-based polyurethane (PE-PUR) sound abatement foam, used to reduce sound and vibration in these devices, can break down and enter the device’s air pathway. If this happens, black debris from the foam or chemicals may be released into the air pathway, which could be inhaled or swallowed by the user. This type of exposure to debris can cause significant adverse events. Users have reported various health issues including pulmonary complications, organ issues, cancer, and other serious illnesses. Moreover, if you have used Philips Respironics for six months and have suffered a serious illness or injury as a result, you may be eligible for the CPAP lawsuit.

How long do I have to pursue legal action?

If you have suffered an injury or illness from using the Philips Respironics CPAP Ventilator, it is critical to retain the legal services of an experienced Westchester County defective product lawyer as soon as possible to ensure you do not forfeit your chance to recover monetary compensation for your damages. In New York, you have three years from the date the injury occurred or the date of injury discovery to file a claim against a negligent party for a defective product. If you fail to file a claim within this time frame, you will be barred from filing one in the future.

For more information on the CPAP lawsuit, contact one of our qualified and determined attorneys. Our firm will work tirelessly to help you get the justice you deserve. In addition, we can help ensure you file a claim within the right time frame to seek reasonable compensation for your damages.