How Do Bicycle Accidents Occur in New York?

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Bicycles are a popular way to get around, as they are not only enjoyable to ride, but they are also great exercise and are very cost-effective. With being said, bicyclists have very little protection from other motorists on the road, and if you were injured as a cyclist, you will likely require the services of a knowledgeable New York City & Westchester County bicycle accident lawyer who has significant background knowledge in claims like these. Read on and give our firm a call today to discuss the details of your case and your options.

How do bicycle accidents occur?

There are a number of factors that can cause a bicycle accident to occur. Some of the most common causes of bicycle accidents are unsafe road conditions, such as debris left on the road or negligent signage, inclement weather conditions, such as snow, ice, or rain, and, of course, driver and cyclist negligence. While any one of these factors can result in a serious bicycle accident, bicycle accidents are most often a result of negligence. Some of the most common causes of driver negligence that lead to bicycle accidents include the following:

  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Driving while fatigued
  • Following cyclists too closely
  • Trying to overtake cyclists
  • Opening car doors, striking oncoming cyclists
  • Failing to notice cyclists at night
  • Unsafely changing lanes
  • Turning without looking
  • Failing to yield
  • Ignoring traffic lights or signs

How can I establish my personal injury claim for a bicycle accident in New York?

If you are facing the consequences of a bicycle accident injury in New York, it is critical that you do not wait to begin thinking about your legal options. In New York, all personal injury claims must be brought within three years of the date of the accident. Another requirement in a personal injury case is that the burden of proof must be satisfied. This suggests that you, the injured party, are instructed to indicate that the person who hit you was acting negligently and that this negligence resulted in the bicycle accident.

To accomplish satisfying the burden of proof, you should obtain the driver’s insurance information, take photos and videos of the accident and its aftermath, ask witnesses for their contact information and obtain a copy of all medical documents regarding your injuries. It is also in your best interest to retain the services of a skilled New York City & Westchester County auto accident lawyer who can use this evidence and more to fulfill the burden of proof in your personal injury claim.


Baez Legal Group handles a wide array of injury claims, including those sustained in auto accidents, slip & falls, and more. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.