Most motorists do not realize the critical role street lighting plays in preventing auto accidents. According to a report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the largest number of fatal crashes occurred during the hours of 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Typically, during these time windows natural light is non-existent and motorists rely heavily on streetlights to make the roadway visible. Without adequate lighting, motorists are unable to detect potential roadway hazards or navigate the road safely. Ultimately, poorly lit roadways can cause serious accidents and injuries to occur. If you or a loved one were injured in an auto accident due to poor street lighting, it is in your best interest to retain the legal services of a qualified Westchester County Auto Accident Lawyer who can help you consider your legal options. Continue to follow along to learn how often poor street lighting leads to auto accidents.
How does street lighting reduce auto accidents?
Many motorists do not understand the significant role street lighting plays in reducing the rate of auto accidents. Streetlights are placed throughout the length of the roadway to illuminate the road and traffic signs. It is important to understand some of the common dangers associated with inadequate street lighting as it can cause serious auto accidents to occur. When a roadway is not properly lit, motorists can’t see crosswalks and intersections. This can cause devastating pedestrian accidents to occur. Moreover, if a roadway is not properly lit, motorists will not be able to detect potential hazards such as animals or loose objects on the road. Motorists need sufficient time to react and respond to hazards. If they do not have sufficient time to take preventative steps, they are more likely to be involved in a crash.
Furthermore, it is important to understand that the placement of streetlights plays a crucial role in how effective they are. When streetlights are installed too low, it can create a glare. If there is a glare, it can blind a motorist causing them to be unable to see what is in front of them. Streetlights must be installed high enough to prevent glare from blinding a motorist. Moreover, appropriate parties must replace burned-out or broken fixtures. If a dark road does not have adequate lighting because the bulb is not working anymore, the appropriate parties must take the necessary steps to remedy this issue promptly. If they fail to do so, they can be held liable for any damages that occur as a result of their negligence.
If you have been injured in a car accident due to streetlights not functioning properly, please contact one of our experienced and determined team members. Our firm can help you establish fault and hold negligent parties accountable for your damages. Allow our firm to fight on your behalf today!