New York City White-Collar Criminal Defense Lawyer

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New York City White-Collar Criminal Defense Lawyer

White-collar crimes typically involve acts of theft, and those convicted of them face a wide array of very serious penalties. If you’re accused of a white-collar crime, you need a New York City White-Collar Criminal Defense Lawyer on your side. Contact The Bàez Legal Group today.

New York City White-Collar Criminal Defense Lawyer | On Your Side

If you’ve been charged with a white-collar crime, you need an attorney you can depend on to fight those charges. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. Our firm is on your side, and we will be through every step of the process ahead.

Common White-Collar Crimes

There are several common types of white-collar crimes that our firm sees. Some of those are as follows:

  • Extortion: Extortion is similar to blackmail, in that when someone commits an act of extortion, they essentially tell someone to give them money “or else.”
  • Ponzi Schemes: A Ponzi scheme is when a person gets others to invest in something that doesn’t exist. Often, the person running the scheme will “pay back” investors with other investors’ money, making them think they’re seeing a profit. However, these schemes ultimately only benefit the person running them.
  • Corporate Fraud: Corporate fraud is when a company lies about its assets or value in an effort to make even more money, it is considered an act of corporate fraud.
  • Embezzlement: Embezzlement is when a person either in a position of power or trust misappropriates a company’s funds to his or her own benefit. For example, if a store manager funnels company funds into his or her own bank account, he or she may be charged with embezzlement.

Common Punishments for White-Collar Crimes

Unfortunately, those convicted of white-collar crimes can face a wide array of potentially life-altering penalties, as in most cases, white-collar crimes are considered felonies. Some of the most common punishments for white-collar crimes that our firm sees are as follows:

  • Years in jail or prison
  • Heavy fines
  • Community confinement
  • Home detention
  • Forfeitures
  • Restitution
  • Supervised release

Rather obviously, if you’ve been charged with a white-collar crime of any sort, you need competent legal representation on your side. Our firm is prepared to fight for your rights, every step of the way.

Contact a New York City White-Collar Criminal Defense Lawyer

Regardless of the crime you are accused of, you can depend on our firm to fight for your rights through every step of the legal process ahead. We are on your side. Contact The Bàez Legal Group today to schedule your initial consultation with our competent legal team.

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