When you send your child off to school, you entrust several parties with a significant amount of responsibility to ensure your child is safely transported on a school bus. Unfortunately, sometimes every parent’s worst nightmare comes true as a result of negligence. Children may suffer serious injuries in a school bus accident. When this type of traffic accident occurs, determining liability is a crucial step in recovering compensation for damages. Continue to follow along to learn who could be held accountable for a school bus accident and contact a seasoned Westchester County Bus Accident Lawyer who can help you seek reasonable compensation.
Who can be held liable for a school bus accident?
Following a school bus accident, determining liability can be difficult as several parties may have contributed to the cause of the collision. However, the allocation of fault is crucial as it plays a major role in collecting monetary compensation for any injuries sustained. The following parties include but are not limited to the parties that can be held responsible for a school bus accident:
- The school bus driver. The bus driver may be responsible for a collision if they are found negligent in any way for the cause of the crash. For instance, if the bus driver engaged in any unsafe driving behaviors such as distracted driving or failed to abide by the rules of the road, they can be held liable for a school bus accident.
- The school district. The school district may be liable for an accident, as they are in charge of hiring bus drivers with the proper licensing and training to transport children to and from school.
- The owner of the school bus. In some cases, the school district will use government entities or private companies to rent school buses. When this is the case, the actual owner may be liable for an accident as they are responsible for maintaining the bus and regularly checking it for issues. If an issue is left unattended, the owner of the bus can be named in a lawsuit.
- The manufacturer. In other cases, the manufacturer may be liable for a collision if the cause of the crash was a malfunctioning part or defective component.
- Third-party motorists. If the school bus was struck by a negligent motorist, causing injuries, they may be held liable for the crash.
As many parties could be held liable for a school bus accident, you will require appropriate legal representation to ensure you understand your legal options to seek monetary compensation for your child’s injuries. For more information on who can be held accountable for this type of accident, please contact a determined Westchester County bus accident lawyer. Our firm is committed to helping our clients achieve the best possible outcome.