A Sample Of Our Successful Results

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The Bàez Legal Group handles cases throughout New York State. We are proud of our history of winning for our clients. Below are examples of some cases our firm has handled. Because no two cases are identical, past success does not mean that the same result can be achieved in a similar case in the future. If you have a case that you would like to discuss with us, you may call or email us to arrange for a free consultation regarding your case.

$48 Million

Settlement in Federal Court on behalf of victims of securities fraud.

$16 Million

Verdict won in Federal Court for victims of a breach of contract and fraud.

$6.9 Million

Settlement for wrongful eviction by a commercial landlord.

$3.2 Million

Confidential settlement for a man who suffered brain and spinal cord injuries after a reckless truck driver rear-ended his car.

$2.6 Million

Settlement against a major retailer for trademark infringement.

$2.5 Million

Settlement for breach of contract and fraud by a landlord.

$2 Million

Confidential settlement for a senior citizen that suffered multiple injuries including a broken hip and concussion from slipping on a wet floor at a major retail store.

$1.65 Million

Compensation for a man for multiple body injuries when he fell from a negligently mounted scaffolding at a construction site.

$1.5 Million

Compensation for a woman whose legs were crushed after her car was t-boned by a reckless driver speeding in a residential neighborhood.

$1.2 Million

Compensation for a 69-year-old man struck by a negligent truck driver making an illegal turn onto a local street.

$1.2 Million

A settlement from a major retailer for fraud.

$1.1 Million

Arbitration award for several victims of a securities scam.

$1 Million

Recovered from an employer for wrongly withheld back pay.


Settlement for a woman who suffered facial injuries and had to undergo several surgeries as a result of falling on a defective sidewalk.


Settlement for a tenant whose premises were burned down as a result of a landlord’s negligence and wrongful eviction.


Settlement on behalf of a tenant whose property was destroyed as a result of a landlord’s negligence.

Our Recent Blogs

  Daycare Liability Cases in New York | What to Know
  How can I best document my injuries/expenses after an accident?

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