Bicycle Accident Lawyer White Plains


Bicycles, the perfect blend of enjoyment and fitness, offer an excellent means of transportation. Not only are they cost-effective, but they also provide a thrilling ride. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that as a cyclist, you are vulnerable to other drivers on the road. If you’ve been unfortunate enough to experience an injury, now is the time to seek the guidance of a skilled bicycle accident lawyer in White Plains. The Bàez Legal Group is here to assist you. Explore the intricacies of bicycle accidents and learn how our firm can offer the support you need. Don’t hesitate; take action today!

Bicycle accidents in White Plains occur more frequently than many people are aware of. Regrettably, these incidents have a profound effect on the lives of countless individuals each year. If you have sustained injuries while cycling, it is highly recommended that you promptly seek the guidance of a skilled personal injury attorney in White Plains.


Numerous factors can contribute to the occurrence of a severe bicycle accident. Among the primary causes are hazardous road conditions, including debris and insufficient signage, 

adverse weather conditions like snow, ice, or rain, as well as negligence on the part of both drivers and cyclists. While any of these factors can lead to a serious bicycle accident, negligence remains the most prevalent cause. The most common forms of driver negligence resulting in bicycle accidents include:

  • Tailing cyclists too closely
  • Trying to overtake cyclists
  • Opening car doors, striking oncoming cyclists
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Driving while fatigued
  • Failing to notice cyclists at night
  • Unsafely changing lanes
  • Turning without looking
  • Failing to yield
  • Ignoring traffic lights or signs


If you’re a cyclist who has been injured, it is crucial to document the details of your accident. This documentation can be essential in meeting the burden of proof for any future personal injury claim. Remember, after being injured in an accident, the first steps should always be to call the police and seek immediate medical attention.

In case of an accident, gather driver’s insurance details, take photos, get witness information, and secure medical documents. Contact a White Plains bicycle accident lawyer to build a strong personal injury claim with compelling evidence.


Bicycle accidents can have devastating consequences, leaving cyclists with catastrophic injuries. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, you deserve a reliable ally by your side. At The Bàez Legal Group, we are here to support you. Contact us today for a free initial consultation with our highly skilled and compassionate legal team. Let us fight for your rights and help you navigate the legal process.

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